
Archive for August 20th, 2007

It’s been a very big few days.

Saturday night, 11:18 pm, I completed the Frost Flowers and Leaves shawl. Edging grafted (badly), ends woven in, shawl completely off the needles, date with boyfriend cancelled to achieve these ends (though I don’t think he minded, he was happily ensconced in his cave, watching a movie while I stitched away in the other room).

Sunday night, 10:07 pm, the completed Frost Flowers and Leaves shawl was fully stretched out on the blocking wires and left to dry.

This sucker is DONE! All that’s left now is presenting it to Glamorous — just in time for the hottest month of the year. Oh well, soon the weather will be getting chilly. I had a good time knitting the shawl, and of course the most important thing is that she knows she’s loved!

Monday afternoon, 2:19 pm, extremely positive “official” news about the big work project that had me so crazy last month.

Yup, I am exhausted but happy at the moment.

I also managed to squeeze in a baby shower and a visit to the beach with a friend from out of town and her adorable two-year-old daughter. The extra-cool added bonus of this trip (in addition to hanging out with a wonderful old friend and an absurdly cute toddler) was seeing my very first (and only) sweater in action!

Photos of the sweater (and of course the shawl!) will be forthcoming – sadly I was too overwhelmed this morning to remember to grab my full-of-photos camera on the way out the door this morning.

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