
Archive for August 9th, 2007

I hit tons of traffic on the way in to work today and at one point in my commute I even picked up my knitting and worked a few rows (no worries folks, it was that part of the commute where you basically park at a red light for 10 minutes so the car was not in motion.)

What knitting is this you ask? The promised Monkey Socks? Fools, all of you. It’s the blanket square I’m working for my office’s Warm Up America! blanket inspired by Knitting for Peace. I’m even trying to recruit a few co-workers to knit a square or two by promising to teach them to knit over drinks in the next few weeks. Since I’m asking others to contribute, I feel like I’d better multiply my own efforts. Therefore, I give you my first square, a checkerboard:

Today’s been a blur of running up and down the halls of the office in a near panic, battling computer crises, the stress of a “big meeting” and the added fun of the even more stressed bosses running around making insane demands. At one point, when my computer locked me out and I worried my head would explode and I thought I might vomit up something akin to the milky-brown leavings of my roommate’s adorable but intestinally challenged chocolate lab, I pulled out my knitting. Ah yes, the solace of knitting . . .

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